Anodes and Cathodic Protection
About Anodes and Cathodic Protection
Anodes and Cathodic Protection :
Anodes Protection : Anodic protection is a technique to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it the anode of an electrochemical cell and controlling the electrode potential in a zone where the metal is passive. Anodic protection is used to protect metals that exhibit passivation in environments whereby the current density in the freely corroding state is significantly higher than the current density in the passive state over a wide range of potentials.
Cathodic Protection : Cathodic Protection is a technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell.A simple method of protection connects protected metal to a more easily corroded "sacrificial metal" to act as the anode. The sacrificial metal then corrodes instead of the protected metal. For structures such as long pipelines, where passive galvanic cathodic protection is not adequate, an external DC electrical power source is used to provide sufficient current.
Applications: Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, Chemical, Petrochemical, Water treatment, Fume treatment, Mining, Shipbuilding, Power generation.
Our Export: Iran, Iraq, Italy, UAE, Bahrain, Indonesia, Australia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Germany, UK, Denmark, Canada, USA, Peru, Brazil, Nizeria, Mexico, Venezuela (Latin America), South America.
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