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Window :


Aluminum Window :  We are highly instrumental in offering an unparalleled range of Aluminum Window. These aluminum windows are offered in different sizes, shapes and other specifications as per the emerging requirements of the respected customers. The offered aluminum windows are appreciated among the customers for their corrosion resistance, high strength, durability and easy installation.

K-Line Vertical Sliding Window : We offer a wide range of K-Line Vertical Sliding window which is provided with a contemporary window with classic design lines. Our windows are also well-known for their sturdy construction, durability and corrosion resistance. This window is equally suited to the domestic residence as well as the largest of commercial buildings and hotels.


Metal Windows : Our company has a known name in manufacturing of glazed metal windows with Operable shutters, that are ergonomically designed to lend style to the Interiors as well as Exteriors. These Windows are Manufactured Using GI Sheet (Zinc Coated Sheet) and are Fitted with Mild Steel Grill which is Totally Welded to the Frame thereby Assuring Safety, Further these Windows are PU Powder Coated to give Long Life and add Elegance.


Aluminium Sliding Window : We are dedicatedly engaged in manufacturing and exporting a matchless range of Aluminium Sliding Window to the prestigious customers. This window is installed in residential areas, offices, schools and other places and can easily be slide for fresh air and sunshine.


Aluminum Partition Doors Windows :Our offered Aluminum Partitions are available in all standard patterns and sizes. This range partitions is widely used in the construction of corporate offices especially for work stations. We carefully check the whole manufacturing process of the products to maintain the standard. Hence, our consignments are appreciated for durability and corrosion free nature.


Aluminum Fixed Windows : The company is well known in the market for the manufacture of a high quality of Aluminium Fixed Windows which are available in a range of sizes, colors, designs and they have been made using the best technology available in the market. These products are used for a wide range of offices, companies, buildings, homes and other places.

Applications: Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, Chemical, Petrochemical, Water treatment, Fume treatment, Mining, Shipbuilding, Power generation.


Our Export: Iran, Iraq, Italy, UAE, Bahrain, Indonesia, Australia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Germany, UK, Denmark, Canada, USA, Peru, Brazil, Nizeria, Mexico, Venezuela (Latin America), South America.



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