Independent Verification Body
About Independent Verification Body

Independent Verification Body
Independent Verification Body : we have been an Independent Verification Body (IVB) since the legislation began and we are the verifier for over 30% of the operational assets in the North Sea. We initiated and chair an industry forum on verification and we are the only IVB accredited to for the provision of verification services. By engaging UKAS as an independent evaluator it formally demonstrates that as a certification and inspection body we have been assessed against internationally recognised standards to demonstrate our competence, impartiality and capability.
Applications: Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, Chemical, Petrochemical, Water treatment, Fume treatment, Mining, Shipbuilding, Power generation.
Our Export: Iran, Iraq, Italy, UAE, Bahrain, Indonesia, Australia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Germany, UK, Denmark, Canada, USA, Peru, Brazil, Nizeria, Mexico, Venezuela (Latin America), South America.
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